Monday, March 2, 2009

A 3-Ring Big Top Kind of Day

Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages...welcome to the CIRCUS!

On Saturday we visited the circus for the first time and had some serious fun. Except Haley, the clowns were enough to give her nightmares until she is in her teens. Notice her death grip on daddy's coat, Sparkles the clown and her were not going to be friends.

Tyler and Jacob are now aspiring tiger tamers.

We had wonderful seats with enough room for Haley to walk up and down our aisle and the boys were excited to watch some of the animals go in and out of the hall passage on Tyler's side.

The boys loved showing Haley all the animals and teaching her what a horse says. It was a precious sight to see them all walking hand in hand.

One of the highlights were the dancing elephants. We oohed and awed with every move they made.

The tight rope walkers were right in front of us as they completed a 7 person pyramid.

The show was quite long but the boys loved every minute of it. Of course the highlight was the human cannonball. If you have never seen a man fly out of a cannonball (over 150 ft.) and land in a net, I suggest you do!

1 comment:

Cole Twins said...

Oh My! How fun you guys!!! Looks like you all had a fantastic time!

Erin, we will connect! I promise!