Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Haley's Haircut

Haley had her first "big girl" hair appointment the other day. My stylist and life-long friend Trisha, traveled down to our house to cut Haley's hair. Up till then she had been sporting a female mullet-type hairstyle. But now she has a girl style! Her first true haircut was at Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World last summer and she cried and wiggled the whole time. This time she was a champ. It also helps that she loves Trisha and earlier the two bonded over a walk, hand-in-hand, through the backyard.

Haley just sucked on her nuk the whole time, letting Trisha cut away. I just loved this picture of her little head sticking out of the huge cape.

Super still. Don't move a muscle.

Haley had to stand on my lap so Trisha could get the perfect shaped cut. And Haley, she didn't mind this one bit. She looks awful serious doesn't she? I swear she liked it!

These photos have been brought to you courtesy of older brother and toothless wonder, Jacob! He is already mastering the art of self-photos :)


Cole Twins said...

OMG - Love it!!!

Lets catch up soon!!

Miss ya!

NE GrMa said...

Gosh, first a pedicure and now a personal at-home stylist - - - what's next?

Love Jacob's smile - PRICELESS!!!!!