Sunday, February 14, 2010

February Fun

We had a great, big, busy week! It was filled with 12 more inches of snow, a snow day for the kids, and a late start the next day. So needless to say, we spent lots of time being stuck indoors and coming up with some creative ways to pass the time!

For Christmas Haley received a music box from Grandma Gail and Grandpa Andy. Inside the music box is a ballerina who spins around in circles to the music. So Haley dresses up just like the ballerina (hence the no-pants) and spins around in circles to the music.

She keeps the music box on the kitchen island so we can ALL enjoy the music and her dancing!

This is her "behind" pun intended :)

One of Haley's dancing moves. But, more interesting in this picture would be the scooter that races through my kitchen all day long and her "gummy worm" that wiggles it's way through the house ridden in a parade of vehicles.

Snow pictures...we haven't had too much snow this winter so the kids were very, very excited for their snow day and a day to play in the snow.

OR as Haley likes to as much snow as possible.

The boys got some serious giggles out of laying down for the snow blower. They would position themselves to get buried by Brian and the snow blower.

I know we did this at a waterpark once, but it was water that dumped on them. They could have done this over and over and over!

Is it ice cold snow or nice warm sand? I'll take the later and palm trees, sun, and a beach. :)

1 comment:

NE GrMa said...

Oh to be a kid and know that snow can be that much fun :-)

Love Haley's tutu!!