Friday, June 12, 2009

Final Friday

Well, it finally happened today. My babies ended their first year of school. Insert sigh. As we were driving to school this morning I began to reflect on this past school year, then I felt the tears coming. I told the boys to "stop growing up" and "to please stay my babies forever." Jacob proceeded to tell me that I could visit him anytime I wanted. Good to know.

Here is Jacob (on the left) and Tyler (has on the lighter shorts) on their final day of Kindergarten.

If we look back, here is Tyler (in blue) and Jacob on their first day of Kindergarten.

These days our photo sessions are not complete till we get a "silly faces" picture.

Then the peanut (who turns 2 on Monday) needed to be in a photo with the big boys too!

Here they are at school for an outside classroom shot. That's their principal behind them. Jacob and Tyler, you made momma proud this year!


NE GrMa said...

I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you taking them to school - - your pictures and words brought tears to my eyes staring a computer screen. How has the time flown by so quickly????

WeinmasterFive said...

I'll be calling you for advice in a couple years! I'm not sure I'm sending Braden to school ... does he really need an education?! :)