Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy 2nd B-day Haley!

Happy Birthday to my favorite 2 year old!

Haley loved her "Elmo" and "Big Bird" cake plus two candles and a bonus singing candle.

Of course her favorite part, and her brothers favorite part, was opening gifts.

She loved the dress-up clothes she received from her friends Olivia and Sofia. She wore them for the rest of the day.

Here Haley is helping the big guys get the pool ready. I think her pink satin skirt looks right for the occasion. :)

Haley then switched it up to a pink tu-tu so she could help daddy pull weeds.

She really got into the job, and so did her tush. (Look closely for the grass hanging from her diaper bum.)

"Oh, do I have a wedgie or is there something on my booty?"

"Maybe if I put my hands like so, nobody will notice all the grass stuck to my diaper."

"Oh, who cares anyway...Today's My Birthday, na, na, na ,na!"

But pirates Jacob and lookout Tyler have spotted her :)


NE GrMa said...

Haley is such a sweet 2 year old - and I love her cake. Looks like a fun Birthday day ;-)

Jill said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Haley!! I just can't believe she is 2 already! Owen had this same exact cake for his 1st birthday. I hope yours was as yummy as his was! Happy Happy 2nd Birthday!

Cole Twins said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Haley!!! Sorry I am so late!!!Hope you had a great day!!