Thursday, October 15, 2009

More Potty Mouth

In continuing with the last blog entry...I picked up Haley from the Y childcare after working out and here is the conversation I had with one of the workers....

"Haley had an accident."
Me, "What, how, what kind?"
Her, "She wet her pants."
Me, very confused, "Did her diaper leak?"
Her, "No, she said she had to go to the potty and we let her."
"We thought she had undies on then realized too late that she had a diaper on."
Me, "Mmmm, ok. And why is she wearing someones shorts?"
Her, "Sorry, we didn't have any extra pants, but hers are in this plastic bag."
Me, "She is NOT potty training!"
Her, giving me the are you crazy look, "She might be ready!"
Me, deep breath, "Thank you, have a nice day!"

On a side note, we have been hit with our first official illness of the season. Jacob is home today and tomorrow with strep throat. Just can't wait to see who pulls the short end of the stick next!

1 comment:

Cole Twins said...

Oh, Poor Haley!

We are struck with the bug too. Keegan is home today with a 102.3 temp. Ugh! Cant wait to see if it spreads like "wild fire" with the other 3! Its going to be a LONG winter!