Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Basketball Boys

The boys started basketball a couple of weeks ago. They LOVE it! And with Daddy helping with the coaching, it is really fun to watch them together.

They have only practiced and scrimmaged so far, but this coming Saturday is their first GAME!

Tyler was taunting his sister from the floor. :)

Jacob said that he was sooo tired and needed to catch his breath. Can you imagine all the running those little legs had to do!

Starting guard (imagine booming voice) Number 5,....Jaaaacccoooob Benes!!!!

Or, as their coach calls them...."Give me the Twin Towers down here." Gotta love it!

So you might have been wondering what is going on with Haley lately. Well, she is very, very into dressing up (in the middle of winter.) I have been cleaning closets and she loves trying on everything. And we found this Belle costume with red shoes. :)

Haley also does alot of twirling in all her dresses and tu-tu's.

And that is about how long she will stand still for pictures. The End.


NE GrMa said...

Love the dressed-up princess and the "Twin Towers" - - - that just may stick through high school basketball.

Jill Peterson said...

Love seeing how your kiddoes are growing!! FUN blog!!