Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Ice Fishing

Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve Brian, Tyler, Jacob and Grandpa Andy headed out to the ponds to try out their special Christmas fishing poles and tip-ups! The temperature was a very windy chilly 20 (which is why the smart girls stayed at home!) Layered up and bundled to the max they headed out to find some fish.

Brian and the boys waiting for a fish.

The boys were very intrigued with the process of digging into the ice.

Tyler's first try at ice fishing....waiting for a fish.

Jacob scooping out his spot.

Tyler getting it ready.

The waiting for a fish to bite got to be a little too much for Tyler who either fell over frozen or is making a snow angel on the ice :)

I think the boys are smiling under there! They did not catch any fish, but they did survive the elements and had lots of fun!

Meanwhile, this princess stayed home.

On another note, Brian and I spent the New Year's Eve with friends doing a progressive dinner and a litttle snow sledding and riding the ice luge. Brian's trips down the luge took him into the trees and has the sore bones and tree rash to prove it! As he popped two Advil this morning he said it was well worth it!!!!!

Big, HUGE Thank You to my parents for spending the night and watching the kids for us! They had a wonderful time and we enjoyed a specially made breakfast by Grandpa Andy!!



NE GrMa said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful New Years Eve - - a fun, family-centered beginning to the coming year.

Cole Twins said...

Happy New Years!! Sounds like you guys had a great New Years Eve!