Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nebraska's Littlest Packer Backer

Meet my adorable, completely squeezable, big brown eyed nephew Jevon! He is 4 months old and just found out that his hands can move things! Good thing he has such a wonderful mommy to take care of his every need and want. Including what to do with his awesome hair!

What a crazy week we've had, and it's only boring January! Jacob was "friend of the week" at his Kindergarten class this week. This is a BIG deal. He gets to bring a show-in-tell everyday, a special snack, and mommy gets to come in for the morning. Wow! For snack we made chocolate and sprinkle covered pretzel rods and I was able to go in and read some of his favorite books on Thursday morning. On a side note, he choose " There Are Rocks In My Socks, Said The Ox To The Fox" book which is my old book that I received from my Kindergarten teacher when I had my tonsils out in Kindergarten. Awww. Isn't that cool!!! Very sentimental too me. Anyways, he loved to be the line leader (or in charge of everyone) and I think he stands alittle taller now. It was a great boost to his self-confidence to receive all the positive attention and it was just for him. Tyler will get to be the friend of the week later this year. I thought that it would be a good lesson to learn that not everyone comes at the same time or in two's.

Our week ended with Tyler having pink eye, I decided to paint the toy room in two days (we've had the paint for a year sitting in our basement), and now a crazy Saturday. It is a warmer day and Brian is hoping to get our x-mas decorations put away from outside, at least it's before Valentines Day!


Anonymous said...

We just put away our outside decorations today too - you are not alone!

First time checking in, but I stalk daily! I enjoy reading about your kids and how you have been doing. We're stealing your idea about the museum & waterpark ... the kids have a day off soon, so we're off to Milwaukee!

NE GrMa said...

Whew - - I think I'm tired just reading about all that you did last week. Glad to hear Jacob had a very special week! Love what you said about Jevon. You have such a gift for writing!!

Cole Twins said...

Wouldn't it be nice if the Packers were in the SB? No such luck. Maybe next year!

Can't wait to see you on Tuesday!!