Friday, January 16, 2009

Too Cool For School = Cabin Fever!

We're baaaack! After a week of being sick, this family is going stir crazy. I think that we are (cross your fingers) over the hump of icky stomach stuff. Some of the family is still workin' it out but I hope and my washer/dryer hope this all comes to an end soon - no pun intended :)

We are stuck inside because of this crazy deep freeze we are having. The boys have not had school since Wednesday (is it Saturday yet?) and they are bouncing off the walls. I can't say that I blame them as I think I have lost my mind too, it's that or sniffing too much Lysol. So, here is a quick recap of our week.....

Haley had a really rough week but after 48 hours of antibiotics she is a happy toddler once again!

The bored brothers have made Haley their new toy by styling her hair for her. This is only 24 hours into her medicine, not a happy toddler.

Haley's head found the one spot in my house that she could fall on and get her first goose-egg. She is nicely bruised, lumped, and black and blue. She looks tough.

Cabin fever has set in. Tyler and Jacob have made it their job to make their sister look her best!

See what I mean?

Here's to hoping that we can all get some fresh air tomorrow! I think it will be above zero!


NE GrMa said...

Oh, my! I don't know who to feel sorry for the most. Poor little Haley - this past week definitely was not a good one for her. Glad to see the boys have returned to feeling normal again.

Cole Twins said...

Good Job Boys!!! Haley looks so BEAUTIFUL!!!!

FYI - Gymboree outlet has AWESOME deals right now if you are looking for a day trip!