Friday, July 3, 2009

Safety Town

The boys wrapped up their "Safety Town" program this week. These are the pictures from graduation. The class taught the boys everything and anything about "safety." Safe bus riding, playground rules, fire, police, guns, pets, water....and the list goes on. Their most favorite part was riding the go-carts in "Safety Town" where they had to obey the traffic signs, not hit pedestrians, or play bumper cars with each other.

Tyler is rounding the corner like a NASCAR driver.

Look at his "look" he's giving me! Shy, daredevil, my baby!

Here comes his counterpart (Jacob) with white knuckles and two hands on the wheel.

At least he stops to give a wave in the middle of the street :)

They look like they are up to something!!!

The class separated into groups of 4 and the boys paired up with their friends from Kindergarten...the twin girls. These 4 are the best of friends and so sweet with each other. What do you think...future dates? :)

Not to be missed this week is Haley. Here she is enjoying the boys' baseball game with some pretzels and water.

Another classic shot of Haley trying to be just like her brothers. So fun. Look at the detail of her costume. Sword, drill, belt, viewmaster disks, cowboy hat...where's the tu-tu?!!!

Look who discovered the boys' cleats. :)

Happy 4th of July!!!

1 comment:

NE GrMa said...

Love the pictures of the kids having summer fun - - - - but, coats and blankets in June???? Brrrr!