Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Crazy with Construction

The city decided that our subdivision would be getting all new roads this summer. This week, it was our turn! What a cool experience to watch. All the kids, me included, spent lots of time watching the line of dump trucks file in and out while the "digger" tore up our street.

The line of 8 dump trucks starting forming right at 7am. The "worker guys" started down the street and worked their way towards our house but as 4:30pm grew closer they called it a day. They parked their "digger" right smack in front of our house for the night. After football practice we went out to explore our very own "digger!"

Sorry the pictures are so dark, fall is just around the corner.

They just loved exploring the trucks.

Let's measure how big they are compared to a digger!

This is where they stopped for the day. The boys loved playing in the hole.

The next morning (before 7am) was our turn! We camped out on our steps to watch the big day. It was great to see and oh so noisy!

Front row seats.

Best seat in the house.

We now have lots of dirt. The trucks are still bringing in truck-fulls of dirt and bulldozers are pushing it around. Looks like fun. I am not expecting any sort of black top for a couple weeks, but that will be another exciting day!

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