Saturday, August 8, 2009

Grandpa Andy's Day Care

Grandpa Andy has surpassed the "What a Grandpa does" to the fullest extent. He so graciously said "yes" to watching my kids for two whole days while I could go to a fantastic leadership conference. He also added his 4th grandchild to the mix on Friday when Elizabeth dropped Izzy off for awhile too. So....Grandpa Andy had 4 kids in one house, with no access to a car, forced to have only the kind of fun that a grandparent can provide...good times, good times!

Usually we don't really know what goes on during these secret babysitting moments but my dad took several self-incriminating photos for me to share with the world! Here, if you look closely, you will see mid-day snack happening out on the deck with Izzy (in highchair,) Haley (at kids table,) boys at patio. Seriously, nothing but good times!

After lunch there were two really tired girls in the house but only 1 crib. Thus, the always practical grandpa found a great sleeping spot for Isabella :)

Of course it had to rain, which usually means indoor activities when mommy is home...but, when Grandpa Andy is watching them a rainstorm seems like a perfect time to "Sing in the Rain."

The boys even told me that they didn't have to wear shoes! Rule breaker!!
This morning it is raining again and Haley asked me for her "ubella." :)

Thanks dad for watching them so I could be renewed and refreshed. I really, really appreciate it. My kids will always have these precious memories of "when grandpa was here, we did..."
Thank you.

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