Thursday, September 24, 2009

Catchin' Up

I apologize for going "missing" the last couple weeks. We have been super crazy busy and I just wasn't finding the extra time to blog. But now, we have done so much in the past couple weeks that I don't know where to start or what pictures to even post. So stay with me, I am goin' try and catch up!

We packed it up and headed out to Nebraska for cousin Jevon's 1st Birthday!

The boys dream came true when we got an up close and personal tour of the Law Enforcement Building.

We played at the Children's Zoo.

Then we returned home, tried to get back on schedule and catch up on all the things we missed. But we still had time to make a trip out to the Apple Orchard to pick Macintosh apples.
Tyler is showing off his "pick!"

Jacob found this to be the best one!

Haley is enjoying the fresh fruit of the day.

We got a family photo!!! (Ummm, you might see this on our Christmas card.)

Izzy truly enjoyed her first trip to the orchard!

I also had the first MOPS meeting of the year. A BIG thank you to all my MOPS mom's for making it such a wonderful morning!

1 comment:

Cole Twins said...

yummm those apples look great!! Love this time of year!!