Friday, September 4, 2009

She's running the show!

The first week of school has flown by. I miss my boys! I'm sure that I will grow to be ok with the silence but for now, I don't like it. Haley has fallen asleep the last 4 days before lunch time so I have just the tv to eat with. Even my hubby is afraid to come home for lunch, I might just talk his ear off! Anyways, the boys are loving 1st grade and I am so glad that they have gotten into the school groove.

Haley does miss her boys during the day, but she gets to do pretty much anything she wants now that mom is such a sucker! Like eating lunch in the recliner while watching "Dora!"

Or having her nuk (she's probably too old for it) and the boys' Lego's in the recliner while watching "Diego!"
I can't even let my mind think about when she goes to school!!!

1 comment:

Cole Twins said...

Wish we lived closer....
My kiddos could go for a play date with your "princess"!! I miss my kiddos too.