Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day in 1st Grade!

It finally arrived. The first day of school. (Insert big sigh and a few tears.) I loved having my boys home for the summer, I just loved the noise and activity that ran loudly through the house. Today, as I write this, Haley is napping and I ate lunch by myself. Quiet house. I know that I will grow to like this time to, but I secretly can't wait to go pick up my boys and hear all about their first day in 1st Grade!

The three of them were wonderful this summer. Full of life and lots of laughs!

Jacob was very excited for school!

Tyler too!

The boys together, great toothless grins.

Always a funny smile picture.

Why can't they stay little longer. :(


Nana of the North said...

What great first day in 1st grade pictures! Erin, your text is so full of creative voice. Brings back memories of when my "first" started 1st grade at Elmwood, too. Remember?????? Elmwood Elves????

Jill said...

Oh my.... This brings tears to my eyes too, got me wishing and hoping that my boys first day of school will slow down in time!!! I don't want it to ever come. I can't even imagine what silence in a house will be like, and Asher isn't even talking yet!