Monday, December 22, 2008

Look at us!

Well it finally happened, we have joined the blogging community! I am not truly sure what that means but I am learning. Brian and I decided that we would start a blog so that we can share pictures and daily drama of our family with those who are close to us and those who are far away. So, without further introductions, I give you the crazy week of Christmas in our house...

The boys are officially on Christmas vacation. They had a wonderful Christmas party at school and ate lots of sugar then came home to not want to eat lunch. The bitter cold is going to keep us indoors today as we gear up for more snow this week. But our backyard looks so beautiful with 14 inches of drifting snow. Lots of cookies to make and sample and presents to wrap but we like to take time out to dance to our favorite x-mas songs. I am going to try to figure out how to do pictures, so be patient. There coming.
Stay warm today!


Cole Twins said...

Congrats on your blog! I LOVE it!

BB said...

Nice job sweetie! You did a great job setting this up!