Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Day After Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas Day! Jacob and Tyler got everything their hearts desired, including an electric guitar for Tyler and a drum set for Jacob. They have been asking for these instruments since last year x-mas. Brian and I were hoping that it was just a phase and we would never have to have a garage band in our living room. Nope. The one and only important present from Santa was an electric guitar (Tyler calls it a "rock guitar") with built in amp for volume. And Jacob wanted a drum set with one cymbl, drumsticks and a stool. A tall order for Santa this year, but he came through and also came through for me as Santa brought me earplugs!

Tyler rockin' out with his ruby red guitar!

"A one, two, three, four" Jacob leading the band.

So with tongues poised in fierce concentration some serious strumming and drumming have filled all the quiet space in my house. But none the less, The Benes Brothers Band has been formed.

Off to Grandma's house we go....Haley would like more taco dip, please!

Here is my sister, Elizabeth, with her daughter, baby Isabella -2 months old- cutie!!!

Ready, quick take the picture! We just need one picture, pleeesse!

Haley and daddy take an afternoon break. Who wouldn't love to snuggle her!

Grandma and Haley get some quiet time.

Well, we had a wonderful Christmas day and it went all too fast. I have been preparing for Christmas since before November and it all ended so quickly. We have wonderful memories to reflect on and lots of toys to play with. I hope everyone also had a wonderful holiday and great memories to cherish.


Cole Twins said...

Hey Erin! LOVE the pics! Haley has sure grown up and she is so Beautiful!! OMG. Cooper wants to ask Brian if she is allowed to date older men?

Glad to hear that everything went well. Keegan also got a "musical instrument" and wants to know if he can join the BAND?

Talk to you soon!

NE GrMa said...

OK, I'm hoping this comment will go through. Both of my previous comments must be floating around in cyberspace ;-(

I love your blog and wanted to know what instrument Haley will play in the Benes Boys Band?