Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Barrette Bandits Strike Again!

The boys are off this week for spring break and seem to already be bored 3 days into vacation. I was, once again, trying to finish getting ready when I asked the boys to go "entertain" their sister in her crib till I could get there. Here is what I came upon...

I witnessed Haley standing perfectly still while the boys put "pretties" in her hair. She is not one to be shy about looking good!

Even the back was done with care.

Jacob found one more barrette to add to the bunch.

She doesn't get any cuter than this!!!!


The lucky guy who got to marry Erin said...

That is AWESOME!

NE GrMa said...

She is beautiful in bows - - may start a new fashion trend!

Lost A Sock said...

That's too cute!

Hey Erin- is Haley wearing a sleep sack over her pajamas? If so, I've been hunting something fierce for sleep sacks larger than infant size. Where did you get yours?