Monday, April 13, 2009

Hoppy Easter

A belated Happy Easter to everyone! We had a wonderful Easter day. It started with Haley up at 5am and the boys to follow her lead with rising before the sun could. All our celebration hoop-la Easter egg hunt was over before 6:15am and that also means that eating candy began pretty early as well! We had gone to church the evening before so we had all morning to try out these new, cool, big-kid, bigger than my kids bikes! The boys' bday is in October so come spring we are always finding that they are in need of something for summer so the Easter bunny hops over bringing big presents to the boys.

Jacob (red) and Tyler (yellow) are so very excited about their new bikes! The size of these bikes are a constant reminder to me on how big my boys are and how fast they are growing up. I still remember them riding their Harley Davidson Big Wheels, now Haley will be riding those this summer. Ahhhh a nostalgic moment. :)

So we made the kids dress up in their Sunday Easter best and here is their cutie pics! Jacob is in red and also missing his two front teeth. Tyler is in blue and missing his bottom two teeth. Haley is just putting up with them. ;)

Don't you love their shirts all tucked in!!!! Handsome, aren't they!

Oh yeah, the Easter bonnet has come out!

I have waited a long, long time to have a girl. Pink, pretty dresses, and Easter bonnets.....that's what little girl's are made of.

This pretty princess has also stolen the heart of her daddy :)

Our afternoon was spent with family and of course, baby Isabella.

Haley just loves playing "mommy" to baby Izzy. Her she is gently shoving Izzy's nuk in her mouth whether she wants it or not! These two girls are going to be best friends, I know it.

Is it not so adorable that they have the same dress on! Not planned by my sister or I, just pure coincidence! Too cute!

It was such a looonnngg day but definitely full of fun. All kids were asleep and snoring by 7:30pm.
Brian and I also have been teaching the boys the true meaning of Easter using Bible stories and the Resurrection Eggs. The boys' really, truly get it! They have a child-like faith of God and Jesus. It is so special to hear them talk about Jesus' gift to us was dying on the cross and that someday we will be in heaven with Him.
Thank you God for a wonderful day full of celebration with family and celebrating Jesus has risen from the grave.


Cole Twins said...

Love the pics Erin! And I dont dare show my kiddos the pics of what the Easter bunny brought the boys.....cause he brought NOTHING like that here!! LOL

See you on Wed???

NE GrMa said...

What a wonderful day you must have had on Easter. I love the pictures of the kids in their Easter outfits. And, WOW - the sister bond is amazing! For you and Beth to select the same darling dress for the girls.